Why Diversity In Medicine Is Important

Why Diversity In Medicine Is Important

In an ever-evolving world, diversity in medicine has become an increasingly crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. The healthcare industry serves a diverse population, comprising individuals from various cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Therefore,...
America Needs More Diverse Doctors

America Needs More Diverse Doctors

Source: U.S. News & World Report By Jay Feldstein Picture this: Two dozen men gather in a classroom in rural south Georgia to get their hair shaped up and talk about life. The barbers are the main attraction, but the get-together is organized by medical students –...
Healthcare Needs More Hispanic Doctors

Healthcare Needs More Hispanic Doctors

There is a lack of diversity among healthcare professionals in the United States. Healthcare organizations must improve diversity to ensure that all people are represented in the healthcare workforce. Doing so has a positive impact not only on the organization but...