Twins Become Doctors and Match for Same Residency

May 10, 2022 | Blog

Post from KZRG

Since elementary school, twin sisters Alexis and Morgan Clare, now 27, have wanted to become doctors.

They attended the University of Florida together for their undergraduate education and went on to Tulane University in New Orleans for their master’s degrees.

The Clare twins graduated from KCU-Joplin.

Now, as doctors of osteopathic medicine, they will go into residency together.

The Clare sisters have both matched into the general surgery program at Belmont Health Hospital in Dearborn, Michigan.

Though they joke about being “the most twinning-twins” you will meet, matching to the same city for residency was not a priority- it just turned out that way.

The sisters say they strive to be female physicians who are “kind, steadfast and competent, always lifting one another up, along with their future patients”.